Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Eczema Lotion Bars

I remember the day I found out Jimmy had eczema. I was so happy to have found out what was causing my 3 month old to not sleep at all and not allowing me to put him down. I wrote down everything the doctor told me and purged my home of everything triggering his eczema. I would later find out on my son's second birthday and that his eczema was a "hard to treat" case. I've learned so much about eczema because of my son. For instance, did you know there are actually 7 types of eczema? Three in which over the counter products rarely can treat? Also, did you know there is no cure for eczema, only products that can help manage it? 
Unfortunately I learned the hard way from trial and error. After a couple weeks of trying my doctor's recommendations,I began googling better solutions. That's when i came across Wellness Mama's Eczema Lotion Bars recipe. I tried it, and it was the first thing that kind of worked so I began switching up the recipe to modify it for my son. (keep scrolling for my version of the recipe)
After a year of making my own lotion bars my son's skin starting clearing up drastically. Hardly having a breakout. I got a little lazy and began trying over the counter products again. His skin worsen. The breakouts were horrible. His skin bleed constantly and he never slept.  That's when the "Mommy Shamers" entered my life. "This is because of your lotion bars, you should try (insert just about every product here.)" "Your causing your son so much pain!" and a thousand other mean things. Even though I knew it wasn't my lotion bars that made him breakout, the next year I would spend trying almost every other over the counter product. When a product wouldn't work for my son someone would always say, "Well it works for mine, so maybe you need to try it out again." 
Right before my son's second birthday, I took him to the doctors to try and find a solution for managing Jimmy's eczema. After ruling out allergies, on my son's second birthday, my doctor said "I know what this is, your son's has the same type of eczema as my daughter and I don't know why I didn't catch it in the first place. You won't be able to treat this with most over the counter products. Over the counter products are for mild to moderate eczema." She gave me an ointment to use for a week to treat his skin. Then he recommended for me to go back to using my lotion bars.
How did I forget about my lotion bars? Out of all things! So consistently for over a year now I've been treating my son with the same recipe I modified for him in the beginning. However, I am extremely thankful for that hard year because i discovered Bend Soap Company. They have a couple products I still use on my son. I will mention them in a few.
I noticed that my personal lotion bar I make cleared up a breakout quickly but it did come back kind of quickly. It will get less and less over and long period of time. I also noticed the Unscented Goat Milk Lotion from Bend Soap Co would not quickly clear up a breakout but slowly over time clear it up for a longer period of time. So i began applying both to my son's skin; first my lotion bar (because it is a bit greasy) and then the unscented goat milk lotion. We've gone over a year with no bleeding, no prescription ointments, and manageable outbreaks. Hallelujah!
I feel like I'm living the dream! I actually get sleep and am able to follow a day to day schedule. So that's why I'm so happy to share the recipe with you! Yes, 5 doctors (because that's all the doctor's I've been to for Jimmy's eczema) have approved this lotion bar and it's safe for babies.

Eczema Lotion bars

1/3 cup Mango Butter
3 Tablespoons Beeswax pellets
2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1 Teaspoon Vitamin E oil
1/2 Teaspoon Jojoba Oil
20 Drops Tea Tree Oil
20 Drops Chamomile Oil
1/4 Teaspoon Lavender Essential Oil 
1 Tablespoon Colloidal Oatmeal (extra fine)

Boil Water in a pan. Place mango butter, beeswax, and coconut oil in a mason jar. Place mason jar in pan with boiling water. Cover top with something small like an oven mitt so no water gets in. Melt completely.
While waiting for it to melt, put olive oil, vitamin e, jojoba oil, tea tree oil chamomile, and lavender in a separate bowl. Once mango butter mixture is melted remove from heat. Combine olive oil mixture and mango butter mixture quickly. Add colloidal oatmeal. Mix well and quickly. Pour into 3 deodorant bottles. Let sit for 4 hours or till it hardens.    

Reasons for each ingredient

Mango Butter: High in Vitamin A and fatty acids, anti inflammatory, reduces itching, irritation and redness.  
Beeswax: Soothes and protects delicate skin
Coconut Oil: "has antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can help soothe your skin when it's itchy during a flare-up, and can also help reduce the inflammation" quoted from FAZ ABDUL GAFFA-MARSH
Olive Oil: reduces inflammation and prevents skin from drying out
Vitamin E Oil: Provides a temporary relief from itchiness. moisturizes the skin to prevent dry skin
Jojoba Oil: has anti- inflammatory and healing properties. helps with dryness, flaking and itching.
Tea Tree Oil: Helps reduce itching
Chamomile Oil: soothes inflamed skin, minimizes flakiness and dehydrated skin 
Lavender Essential Oil: Helps heal red dry skin
Colloidal Oatmeal: Helps relieve dry, itchy and irritated skin

Great Products I continue to use of Jimmy's skin:

Soap: Bend Soap Co Unscented Goat Milk Soap (I also use this in his hair. His scalp is really dry)
Milk Bath: Bend Soap Milk Bath (I give Jimmy a milk bath every time he takes and bath and I have to limit his baths so he doesn't dry out his skin excessively. I always buy pounds of this stuff)
Hand Soap: Dr. Bonner's Baby Unscented Pure Castile soap. (For this, fill a soap dispenser about 1/4 full with the castile soap and dilute with water.)
Secondary Lotion (as mentioned above): Bend Soap Co Unscented Goat Milk Lotion

Well I hope I am able to help anyone out there who might have been dealing with the same problem as my son. If you end up trying the lotion bars, please let me know how it worked for you. Or if you ended up changing up the recipe a few times like I did! Just remember no two people are alike so what may work for someone may not work for you. 

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